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10 Ways to reduce your IT infrastructure cost

Every business tries to reduce their expense as much as they can. IT companies have seen a major shift in the adoption of cloud technology and automation. Companies are investing in IT infrastructure to reduce the future burden and cost of technology. However, it is still important to consider the cost reduction in IT infrastructure to manage their expenses. 

It was found that the estimated overall IT spending on Workday AMS support services in 2021 was 7.5% of the revenue. Companies in America allocate approximately 8.5% of their revenue to IT as compared to those in Europe where this allocation was 6%. The figure below shows the breakdown of IT spending as a percentage of revenue by industry.

IT infrastructure consists of the companies where multiple companies operate in one place. They require important components in operating and managing environments of IT business. Most people use this IT infrastructure to produce services within an organization or to the Customers affiliated with the same company. Therefore, IT infrastructure plays an important role in building businesses and also in making benefits out of these IT infrastructures.

If you looking to reduce the cost of IT infrastructure and how to manage it, this article will help you understand better.


  • Businesses often struggle to manage expenses, leading them to prioritize non-essential expenditures due to the difficulty of cutting central employees or production processes.
  • IT cost reduction means cutting down expenses that are not necessary for your organization.
  • We have discussed the IT cost reduction factors and how to manage them in detail.

What is IT cost reduction?

IT cost reduction refers to cutting down on expenses that are not necessary in today’s time. Expenses on Storage, system infrastructure, office spaces, etc. are some of them. You can cut these expenses to reduce your IT costs. Furthermore, organizations can also reduce IT costs by cutting resources that are not essential for their operations.

The most common method to reduce IT costs for instance: you can streamline your process for more efficient use of resources. You can cut down the redundancy, and adopt the latest technology which is more efficient than older versions. Moreover, you can introduce automation and virtualization to your businesses to reduce IT costs. Additionally, adopting cloud infrastructure and cloud-based computing systems can minimize IT infrastructure costs.

Ways to reduce the IT infrastructure cost:

Let us look into the factors that can help in reducing the IT infrastructure expense.

Use Cloud Computing services-

Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing technologies being adopted worldwide. It removes the burden of maintaining hardware and software and helps reduce software costs. It allows us to easily handle and access applications and data stored on the cloud.  Using cloud computing is cost-effective and easy to maintain. We can have access to the same resources from anywhere. Companies can reduce by removing extra installation of hardware and resources.

Use open-source software-

Community developers develop, test, and maintain open-source software, making it available for public use. They typically license it as open-source, allowing users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software. Furthermore, community developers regularly maintain this software, ensuring its safety and reliability for users. So, make sure whenever possible to use this tool so that you don’t have to purchase tools that provide the same feature but with subscriptions.  This method will help to reduce costs for your IT business.

Take advantage of virtualization to reduce the need for physical server hardware-

Using virtual server hardware, businesses can host several virtual machines on a single physical server. This approach minimizes the need for physical hardware, saving space and also reducing cooling and power costs. Furthermore, businesses can quickly set up and configure virtual machines, getting servers up and running quickly without buying and installing new hardware. Virtualization also cuts hardware costs by making easy upgrades and integration, reducing the need for additional purchases.

Utilize automation and scripting-

Automation removes the need for manual labor, enabling tasks to be completed faster and with fewer resources. By using scripts, businesses can automate tasks quickly and easily, which helps cut costs. Automation and scripting reduce the time spent on troubleshooting and maintenance as they are more accurate than humans. By adopting these technologies, businesses can lower employee and IT costs.

Take benefit of existing hardware and software licenses-

Maximize the use of your existing licenses by making sure that they match the appropriate applications and avoiding unnecessary purchases. Take advantage of discounts or promotions on your current hardware and software, as well as on upgrades or renewals. Stay informed about new technologies that might be more cost-effective than what you currently use.

Identify and eliminate redundant services and processes-

These redundant services and processes are duplicated or unnecessary tasks that increase costs because of not capable of use and damaged resources. By identifying and removing these redundancies, will be reduce infrastructure costs by its actual expenses. To achieve this companies have to make a proper plan after identifying and making sure removing these redundancies does not affect your existing system.

Implement a tiered storage system-

A tiered storage system is a way to organize data by placing it on different levels based on how important it is. This approach helps businesses save money on IT costs by storing less frequently used data on cheaper storage options while keeping crucial data on more expensive, high-performance storage. Moreover, tiered storage systems use automated processes to move data between levels based on how often it’s used, ensuring that data is always stored in the most appropriate place.

Reduce headcount and create leaner teams-

Cutting the number of employees in the IT department helps the company save on salaries, benefits, and other costs. This move can also redirect resources to more important projects. Fewer employees can make the company more efficient since the same tasks will require less manpower.

Take advantage of energy-saving technologies-

Organizations use energy-saving technologies to cut down costs and reduce their carbon footprint. This involves adopting energy-efficient hardware and software, along with practices like consolidating data centers, using virtualization, and embracing green computing. By lowering the energy consumption of their IT systems, businesses save on electricity and cooling expenses.

Negotiate contracts with vendors for better prices-

Negotiating contracts with vendors is an effective way for organizations to cut IT expenses. When organizations negotiate contract terms, they ensure they get the best price for the products and services they require. This leads to enhanced system performance and fewer technical issues over time, ultimately reducing long-term IT expenses.

To Sum Up:

IT infrastructure cost reduction is important for businesses of all sizes to remain competitive and resource-efficient. It saves money by cutting expenses on IT infrastructure, personnel, and related costs, which increases efficiency and productivity. Strategies such as system consolidation, cloud computing, and outsourcing can help reduce these costs. Hiring skilled employees and negotiating better vendor contracts also contribute to savings. Reducing IT costs ensures that businesses stay updated with the latest technology and maximize their IT investments. 


TAG: IT infrastructure, Techsaga USA